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Hi there!  It’s so nice of you to stop by!

Over the weekend, I watched once again the movie “Patch Adams” (starring Robin Williams) which is based on the life of a real doctor, Dr. Patch Adams, and his quest to change America’s health care system.  On his website, he says this about himself:  “I am a Doctor, but above all else I consider myself an activist for peace, justice, and care for all people.”

Here is another quote, which seems to describe not only his viewpoint, but also the way Dr. Adams’ lives his life.

“See what no one else sees.  See what everyone else chooses not to see — out of fear, conformity, or laziness.  See the whole world anew each day.”

So how do we “See what no one else sees”?   First of all, by setting our intention to do so.  Setting the intention is giving direction to our mind to look at everything differently.

“See what everyone else chooses not to see…..”.  So what is it that everyone else chooses NOT to see?  Could it be that most people choose not to see their life from an expanded point of view and how wonderful it really is?  Most people choose not to see how they are the creator of their own life?   I could go on, but let’s look at the rest of the line.

“…out of fear, conformity, or laziness.”    Fear, conformity, and laziness are ego states of mind.   We could say that fear is nothing more than our own mind scaring us silly with its endless litany of negative thoughts about what could go wrong.  We could say that conformity is compliance with that which everyone else is doing and it is easier to follow along than step out of line.   We could say that laziness in general is indifference to life and choosing not to change any of it.

“See the whole world anew each day.”   Life is so busy and there are countless things clamoring for our attention.  It’s easy to attend  to the things that are urgent, and set aside things that may have greater value and importance.  This circles back round to “See what no one else sees”,  which requires shifting our focus and giving ourselves the freedom to look for what is different each day.

If you read my previous blog, Please, Be Normal, it will be very clear that Dr. Adams is a visionary who says “Nope” to status quo.  May we all be courageous enough to say “Nope”.

Until next time,

