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Hello !!  It’s nice of you to drop in !!

Everyone has heard about how important it is to heal the inner child self.   Here is an excerpt from my book about some of my own experience.

“I was aware…..that I had inner child issues which had not been resolved.  They had been surfacing during my counseling sessions, and I was disheartened by that.  The past seven years in particular had been a time of all-consuming focus on healing, and I couldn’t face any more.  What I soon came to realize was that I couldn’t face myself.  I couldn’t look at all those inner child selves within me who were crying out in pain, asking for my devoted attention.   They were parts of me from which I had chosen to separate, because I could not bear the pain they represented.  They were parts of me that needed to feel safe, accepted, heard, valued, and be reintegrated.”

“…..I needed to appreciate all that I was as a child, appreciate all that I had undergone as a child, and appreciate all that I had become as an outgrowth of that.  Piece of cake, right?  Yes, of course…chocolate, please!”

If your inner child self needs liberated, please get in touch!  I’ll be happy to help.

Until next time,

