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Hi there!!  So nice of you to stop by!   So let’s get right to the topic…rational sense.

Although I don’t focus on the news, I still hear bits and pieces or see headlines about events that my egoic mind wants to think about.  My egoic mind will run endlessly on the hamster wheel trying to figure out why some human beings behave in ways that are so unkind.   My ego won’t give up until I stop the wheel by using The Gift of the Blessing (see previous post).  Or by returning to wisdom that my psychologist shared with me many years ago when a repressed memory returned.

When I was about 4 years old, one night my paternal family took me out into a field on my grandparents’ farm and left me there—in the dark, by myself—with the instruction that I was to find my way back to the house.  When the memory surfaced, I was crushed at the thought of what I had endured, and I asked myself over and over how anyone could do that to a child.  As I was lamenting about it to my psychologist, he said, “You are trying to make rational sense out of irrational acts.”

That wisdom continues to serve me well.  Perhaps in some way it will serve you, too.  Rather than indulge the ego lamenting, it is much more beneficial to set the intention for Divine corrective energies to enter and resolve a current situation for the highest good.  If the situation is in the past, the best way to find peace is to choose to understand and accept what was.  And remember that even God can’t change what has happened.

Until next time,

